Foundation logo
The RE/MAX Foundation is a registered public benefit organization (PBO) that aims to promote and inspire Southern African people to improve themselves and strive to be the best they can be. A focus will be on supporting worthy causes for the upliftment and development of our youth. One of the brand's mottos is "we don't just work in a community, we live there too." RE/MAX of Southern Africa is committed to uplifting communities and the people that live there.
Amount of money raised
Amount of money raised gauge
Annual Campaigns
coats and cans logo
Winter Coats & Cans collection drive for various shelters across country
toys and books logo
Year-end Toy & Book collection drive for children's homes & schools across the country
breast cancer awareness logo
National Pink Day - to raise awareness during Breast Cancer Awareness Month
movember logo
Movember Campaigns - to raise awareness around Men's Health Issues
Donate to make a difference
MySchool logo
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Show you care
The RE/MAX Foundation is a registered Non Profit Organisation.
About the Foundation
39 Tokai Road, Tokai, Cape Town, South Africa

In terms of the above, donations made to The RE/MAX Foundation are tax deductable in terms of, and subject to, the limitations prescribed in Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

Company registration number 2012/076231/08 Public Benefit Organisation 930041157

Donate now and make a difference